Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal Formula
Chinese herbal medicine is based on approximately 3000 years of empirical and recorded evidence on the use of various herbs and organic substances for medicinal healing. Chinese herbal medicine, together with acupuncture, forms the comprehensive health care system of Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine views the body as dynamic and totally interrelated. The physical, emotional and spiritual components of the body are interconnected. The body's ability to make and distribute the healthy flow of energy or Qi is dependent on the interrelationship and oneness of the body's systems. When disease occurs, specific herbs are selected and combined based on the patient's individual disease presentation, and a diagnosis of the root cause of the symptoms. These herbs have both medicinal and energetic effects on the body promoting healing in one or more systems of the body which encourages and supports the body's ability to heal itself.
Chinese herbal medicine is a comprehensive form of medicine that can effectively address a wide variety of conditions. It has an extensive clinical and empirical history of treating both acute and chronic medical conditions. It excels in treating conditions that western medicine has difficulty in treating as well as conditions that do not have a western medical diagnosis. Chinese herbal medicine may be used to treat people of all ages from infants to the elderly.
Chinese herbal medicine is a comprehensive form of medicine that can effectively address a wide variety of conditions. It has an extensive clinical and empirical history of treating both acute and chronic medical conditions. It excels in treating conditions that western medicine has difficulty in treating as well as conditions that do not have a western medical diagnosis. Chinese herbal medicine may be used to treat people of all ages from infants to the elderly.
What does herbal medicine treat?
Listed below are some of the many conditions that may be treated through Chinese herbal medicine:
- Respiratory Conditions, including: colds and flu as well as chronic respiratory conditions such as allergies, asthma, emphysema, sinusitis, and bronchitis.
- Emotional Conditions, including: anxiety, depression, stress, and mood swings.
- Gastrointestinal Conditions, including: acute or chronic diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, acid reflux, gastritis, and ulcers.
- Urogenital Conditions, including: urinary tract infections, prostatitis, gallstones, kidney stones, and sexual dysfunction.
- Gynecological Conditions, including: irregular or painful menstruation, infertility, PMS, and menopausal symptoms.
- Musculoskeletal and Neurological Conditions, including: neuralgia, migraine headaches, insomnia, dizziness, vertigo, low back, neck, and shoulder pain.
- Circulatory Conditions, including: hypertension, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, and anemia.
- Endocrine disorders, including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
- Supportive therapy for other chronic, painful and debilitating disorders, including: hepatitis, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue.
How are herbs administered?
Chinese herbal medicine is actually composed of over 5,000 plant, mineral and animal substances. Most herbalists work with 200-300 herbs. The traditional method of preparing herbs is to cook the raw herbs in water to form a tea or decoction. Depending on your preference, or the recommendation of your practitioner, you may take herbs in pill form, as a tincture, in a powdered or granulated form dissolvable in water. Although the taste is sometimes bitter, most patients find this acceptable given the health benefits.
Your Chinese herbal medicine practitioner will ask a variety of questions regarding your specific concern and your general health. Pulse and tongue diagnosis will be performed and evaluated along with a review of your health history, diet, and overall life environment. Based on this information a diagnosis will be determined. After determining the diagnosis, your condition will be evaluated along with the appropriateness of an herbal formula. Chinese herbal medicine can effectively treat a wide variety of conditions, however if your condition warrants additional medical evaluation, you may be referred to a primary western medical provider. Chinese herbal medicine is effective as a sole means of treatment and it can also be easily combined with allopathic medicine. As in any form of healing, your attitude, diet, determination and lifestyle will affect the outcome of your course of treatment. Actively participate in your healing process to obtain the best possible results.
Your Chinese herbal medicine practitioner will ask a variety of questions regarding your specific concern and your general health. Pulse and tongue diagnosis will be performed and evaluated along with a review of your health history, diet, and overall life environment. Based on this information a diagnosis will be determined. After determining the diagnosis, your condition will be evaluated along with the appropriateness of an herbal formula. Chinese herbal medicine can effectively treat a wide variety of conditions, however if your condition warrants additional medical evaluation, you may be referred to a primary western medical provider. Chinese herbal medicine is effective as a sole means of treatment and it can also be easily combined with allopathic medicine. As in any form of healing, your attitude, diet, determination and lifestyle will affect the outcome of your course of treatment. Actively participate in your healing process to obtain the best possible results.
Are chinese herbs safe?
In the hands of a well-trained herbal practitioner, Chinese herbs are effective and safe. Careful attention to dosage and combination of herbs, as well as any known drug-herb interactions, are covered in comprehensive Chinese herbal medical programs. Examination and certification in Chinese Herbology are regulated by the National Certification Commission on Acupuncture and Oriental medicine (NCCAOM). In addition, the Chinese herbal profession is working with the FDA to ensure the quality and safety of Chinese herbs imported into this country.
Herbs have a balancing or regulating effect on the body and are usually more gentle than pharmaceutical drugs. Side effects from herbs are possible, but are usually minor. The most common problem is gastrointestinal upset, i.e. gas and bloating due to slight difficulty digesting the herb material. If this or any other problem occurs, discuss it with your practitioner. Herb-drug interactions are rare. In order to allow your health care providers to treat you effectively and work in partnership, you should inform your Western medical physician that you are taking Chinese herbs just as you should inform your herbal practitioner of any prescription medicines you are taking.
Today, with all the many sources and purveyors of herbs and healing plants, it is extremely important to know what herb(s) to use and how to use them. If you do use herbs and related substances for your health, make sure that they are prescribed by a NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) Board Certified Herbologist. The NCCAOM is the only nationally recognized licensing body in the United States, which awards the title of Diplomate of Chinese Herbology to those who have the required education and training, and have successfully passed the National Chinese Herbology Board Exam.
Herbs have a balancing or regulating effect on the body and are usually more gentle than pharmaceutical drugs. Side effects from herbs are possible, but are usually minor. The most common problem is gastrointestinal upset, i.e. gas and bloating due to slight difficulty digesting the herb material. If this or any other problem occurs, discuss it with your practitioner. Herb-drug interactions are rare. In order to allow your health care providers to treat you effectively and work in partnership, you should inform your Western medical physician that you are taking Chinese herbs just as you should inform your herbal practitioner of any prescription medicines you are taking.
Today, with all the many sources and purveyors of herbs and healing plants, it is extremely important to know what herb(s) to use and how to use them. If you do use herbs and related substances for your health, make sure that they are prescribed by a NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) Board Certified Herbologist. The NCCAOM is the only nationally recognized licensing body in the United States, which awards the title of Diplomate of Chinese Herbology to those who have the required education and training, and have successfully passed the National Chinese Herbology Board Exam.